Monday, January 12, 2009

My Maid

Last Saturday morning I started to clean house (like that's new around here!). Madison really wanted to be my helper so I gave her a few jobs to do. One of those jobs, which I really DO NOT enjoy doing, was cleaning the toilet. I got her started on polishing up the toilet and left her to complete the job. I happened to walk by the bathroom and this is what I see... Dear sweet Quinn giving his big sister some moral support by patting her on the back while she cleaned the toilet! It was almost as if he felt bad for her, like she was being horribly punished. It was so funny.

We took pictures of the kids before church on the first Sunday in January. How do we possibly have time to take pictures before church starts you ask. Well, we are lucky (or unlucky) enough to start church at 2:00! Quinn started his 4th month of nursery and still hasn't decided if he's really a fan or not.

Madison is now in the CTR 5 class. She loves going to Primary and has been faithfully wearing her new CTR ring. I'm just waiting for her finger to turn green!


weloveadoption said...

Very cute pictures of your kids. I can't believe Madison is helping out with the chores. That is great. And that was a way cute picture of her and Quin.

Serenity said...

WAY CUTE!!! oh that is priceless! I can't imagine that your toilets ever get dirty :) That picture of her and Quinn is great! And I LOVE Madison's picture! The one in the post and the one to the side. So cute!